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Fires due to electrical problems.

We understand you, you want to have your home safe but you do not know to what extent it is important to have a certified, safe and professional electrical system.

Follow us and read these possible causes of fires and accidents due to faulty electrical installations.When in doubt, it is always better to prevent and call an electricity company in Marbella.

The first thing that everyone has to know is that a plug in the wall is not magic and it gives electricity by itself. That electricity is conducted by cables from the main electrical panel.

In short, that cable has to be known if it is for power or light, if it is divided by areas or not in terms of its security element in the frame and, above all, it has to be known if it has the optimal thickness for the intensity that is going to transport. These are not the only considerations since there are others in terms of colors, situation etc …

With this, what we want you to see is that any electrical installation has its specifications and regulations to follow. When in doubt, it is always better to prevent and call an electricity company in Marbella.

Causes of fires due to electrical systems in poor condition.

  1. Corto-Circuit: Short circuit is one of the most common reasons for home fires caused by electricity. With an electrical installation it would not have to lead to more … but … it is not the chaos of 80% of homes and businesses today. I will now briefly tell you about the possible existing short circuits and possible causes. You will surely discover that it can happen more often than you thought: The electrical faults that cause short circuits are: Three-phase fault, single-phase ground fault, fault between two phases, fault between two phases to ground, short circuit due to water:
  2. Bad splices and joints: It is always necessary to splice electrical connections within a house or home already. The important thing in this case is to make such connections or splices professionally and with materials in accordance with the technical regulations for low-voltage electrical installations (RGBT).
  3. High-consumption appliances: there must be a good design in the protections of the cables of the appliances with high consumption and that each appliance has its own electrical conduits since if they share cables, when both equipment are on, the intensity of passage through each wire increases, seeing the overload.
  4. Low-quality accessories: although the price is affordable, we are talking about elements that can cause fires in your home, so we always advise using approved accessories.
  5. Defective appliances: In this case, the short circuit is created by the appliance and not by the installation, so if you see that an appliance is malfunctioning or is sparking, take it to be checked as soon as possible.
  6. Bad fuses: It is one of the most important parts since it is the security element in charge of preventing short circuits from happening since they protect the installation against increases in voltage and intensity.

Solution to avoid fires and / or accidents in your home or business.

We are a renovation company with our well-differentiated departments, such as electricity. In which we have qualified personnel for more than 10 years. From them we know how regulations have evolved in relation to electrical installations in homes and businesses. We can safely offer you an installation in accordance with the RGBT to obtain the electrical certificate.

We understand that not everyone needs to have technical electrical knowledge in order to assess and / or keep their homes safe from electrical problems. For this reason, the new requirement of electrical bulletins arises. They are already beginning to request them for some procedures. In the future it will already be mandatory. In which a professional is required to certify that your installation is in accordance with current regulations.

Our offer includes visiting the house, inspecting and delivering a budget to achieve legality and safety on your electrical system.

Contact Marbella renovation. 

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