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Villa reforms in Marbella

Reforming your villa extends its useful life, increases the value of the property and gives a new opportunity to enjoy your chalet. There are two types of reforms: partial or integral, today we are going to show you the guidelines that you have to take into account for the integral reform of villas in Marbella.

Take note and pay close attention to these steps, which with the help of a good professional, will lead you to have a successful reform plan for your chalet.

1. Inventory: Knowing the current state of your chalet will help you detect faults. Make a list of these bugs or details to change. Always keep in mind any undetected moisture that can aggravate the problem. Write down all possible complications and submit them to the consideration of the company that is going to carry out the reform of your villa in Marbella.

2. Analyze if you need to transform the distribution of the interior space of the chalet. Regarding the outdoor areas, roofs, facades, terrace, closures, drains, downspouts, etc … depending on the state of the same assesses if a touch-up or replacement is necessary.

3. Check all the electrical and water installations (water supply and sanitation), ask yourself if you are satisfied with them where they are or if you need to modify and increase them. Take into account that if your chalet has not been renovated for a few years, it may need the replacement of wiring and pipes, avoiding possible major damage in the future.

4. Developing an execution plan will help you assess the complexity or difficulty that each action will have when executed. This plan helps to see possible alternatives.

5. The market for renovation services, like so many others, is open, so we always consider it necessary to look for other budgets and analyze the feeling that the company that is going to reform your villa transmits to you. Ask technical questions, ask their opinions etc …

6. Ask the companies that are going to budget for the reform of your chalet how they usually treat the work permit. What legislation is in force in Marbella and how is the process. If you work in the Marbella area, surely you know how to obtain the minor work license for reforms of villas in Marbella.

7. Choose the best time for your work, that is, if you are going to reform the pool of the villa, it is recommended that you do it in autumn or spring. If you are repairing leaky roofs, summer is a good time to waterproof the roofs of your chalet.

8. Always calculate an amount in your budget for contingencies, which are found during a reform. Find humidity, pipes of other material to which the CTE standard (technical building code) dictates.

9. Take the experience of experts and express the ideas of reforms that you have in mind. The living experience of the professionals and their requirements will be joined. Do not take the first ideas as fixed, count on the support of a chalet renovation company to confirm you.

10. Make and clarify with the builder a schedule for compliance with execution times.

Comprehensive reforms of Villas in Marbella.

A chalet is larger than a flat and requires different maintenance. Said maintenance must be complied with in a timely manner. For a villa in Marbella of a certain size, you will need a maintenance and construction company to maintain your property over the years.

From Marbella Renovation we offer you the best comprehensive reform service for villas that you can find in the area.

Rehabilitation of villas in Marbella

There are already dozens of chalets renovated inside and outside. Through them we know how to anticipate all kinds of complexities that will determine the course of the reform and its completion.

From the step of hiring the reform of your chalet safely, follow the advice that we have given you in this article and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

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